Preliminary research including strip layout in tooling engineering
In engineering, progressive die follow, cutting and bending tools, transfer tools, deep-drawing tools and forming tools, the quality of preliminary research and strip layout determine the final result and the project progress.
At SSEB, we attach great value to these steps in the tooling engineering process. SSEB engineers have an unprecedented know-how of various sectors and will not take the next step without sound preliminary research and perfect strip layout.
Unfortunately, these parts of the project are often underestimated, with implications for the further process. Investing in preliminary research and strip layout is always worth your while. Solid preliminary research will timely bring, e.g. technical problems to the light, saving costs and time further on in the process.
3D CAD and simulation engineering software
For preliminary research and strip layout, SSEB engineers have at their disposal state-of-the-art 3D CAD software, such as Catia, Siemens NX (including the module Progressive Die Design), Siemens PLM and AutoForm. They have up-to-date theoretical know-how of these systems, the expertise and knowledge to interpret the results from research to the daily practice.
Why does SSEB excel in preliminary research?
In addition to the know-how and experience of our engineers, and the systems with which we work, the vast material know-how of SSEB is unique in the engineering branch. This know-how is built over 20 years and incorporated in the systems of SSEB. SSEB uses the data daily in research, calculations and simulations using AutoForm. Thanks to this material know-how and the expertise of our engineers, customers judge SSEB’s preliminary research to be of excellent quality.
This preliminary research gives customers faith in SSEB. SSEB’s preliminary research often leads to smart solutions and ensures the effective progress of projects, without technical problems, time losses or extra, undesired costs.
Tooling strip layout
Following preliminary research, strip layout for the tooling can be made. Strip layout shows how the various part of the tooling form the final tooling in the end. Strip layout thus determines in part how the tooling is constructed. In this sense, the quality of strip layout is essential for the final result.
Tooling for which SSEB conducts preliminary research and strip layout
SSEB’s specialty in the field of preliminary research and strip layout in tooling engineering is with the following tools:
– Progressive die tooling (follow, cutting and bending tools)
– Transfer tools
– Deep drawing tools
– Molding tools
Preliminary research and strip layout tooling engineering by SSEB?
Would you like to experience what makes SSEB excellent according to customers? Then talk to our engineers about your tooling and your wishes with regard to new tooling or adaptations. We like to think along with you. Please call or mail for an appointment, free of obligations!