Preliminary research including strip layout in machine engineering

SSEB engineers like efficiency and delivering sound work. You want a machine that perfectly meets your wishes and requirements, we want the same. For that reason, we attach great value to preliminary research and strip guiding. Listening well, know-how of your daily practice and your sector are obvious characteristics of SSEB engineers. The quality of the preliminary research and strip layout determines not only your final result, but also the project progress. Sound preliminary research brings technical impossibilities or problems to the light. This saves much time and money later on.

Our customers consider the quality of the preliminary research and strip layout of SSEB to be unique. That makes us proud.

Preliminary research and strip layout machine engineering with 3D CAD and simulation engineering software

When machine engineering, SSEB engineers have at their disposal during preliminary research and strip layout state-of-the-art 3D CAD software such as CatiaSiemens NX (including the Progressive Die Design module), Siemens PLM and AutoForm. In addition to up-to-date theoretical know-how of these systems, our machine engineers also have practical knowledge and expertise, enabling them to correctly judge the results of the studies.

SSEB is unique in its material know-how, built over 20 years and incorporated in the SSEB systems. This data is used daily in studies, calculations and simulations with AutoForm.

Excellent in preliminary research and strip layout of machine engineering

SSEB distinguishes itself from other machine engineering firms because of the attention our machine engineers give to preliminary research and strip layout. You can see this in:

– the way they listen to you;
– conversations with your staff or colleagues;
– insight in your daily practice;
– material know-how;
– experience in your sector.

This attention, according to SSEB, is one of the main reasons, maybe even the most important one, that preliminary research by SSEB often results in smart solutions. Moreover, careful preliminary research and well thought-out strip guiding ensure that a project is effective and technical problems, time losses and unwanted extra costs are prevented.

Machine engineering preliminary research and strip layout

SSEB’s specialty in the field of preliminary research and strip layout in machine engineering can be found in specialty machines and additions to standard machines.

Preliminary research and /or strip layout machine engineering?

Do you want to experience what SSEB excels in according to customers? Then talk to one of our engineers about your machine(s). We bet they can help you with a smart solution. We like to think along with you. Please call or mail us for an appointment, free of obligations!

Interested in a cooperation?

Please contact us via phone 0031 485 361 025 or mail us at